Efficiency, Consistency, Workload Reduction: how AI can help with Short Answer Assessments

We are finally close to 'solving' an age-old problem in education - ASAG or Automated Short Answer Grading, with artificial intelligence (AI) undoubtedly playing a pivotal role.

Short answer questions (SAQs) are usually the preferred way of assessing subject knowledge beyond the recall of facts. If designed well, SAQs lend themselves nicely to testing application and consolidation of knowledge; meta-cognition, in other words. However, the repetitive and time-consuming task of marking and giving detailed and timely feedback for assessments containing SAQs can be a burden. Recent advances in natural language processing have proven particularly beneficial in short answer grading, offering a sense of liberation from these tasks, where precision and consistency are crucial.

In subjects and qualifications where knowledge application and analytical thinking are paramount, human-in-the-loop, AI-assisted marking, offers a range of benefits, both for teachers and students alike.

Why human-in-the-loop?

Today's AI is only as good as human assessors, which means answers can sometimes be mismarked. Moreover, if an AI-assisted marking and feedback system has been built on a large language model, it is likely to suffer from hallucinations. Therefore, educators and assessors must ensure that AI-generated feedback is moderated before sharing it with learners.

Just as educators would do when human assessors do the marking!

Timely & Efficient marking

AI-assisted short answer grading is extremely fast and efficient. Marking descriptive student work is a time-consuming and labour-intensive task, particularly in subjects where answers require careful evaluation. Professional qualification providers mark a single cohort's assessments between 7 to 14 days. AI can quickly process and evaluate hundreds and thousands of responses within seconds, saving assessors precious time. This means they can devote more time to targeted instructional activities and personalised student support.

Consistency and Fairness

AI marking levels the playing field and provides students with a sense of security. By consistently applying strict, pre-defined criteria across all student responses, AI eliminates the risk of human error or bias that can skew outcomes. This ensures that every student is judged fairly based on merit, not subjective factors, instilling a sense of confidence in their assessments.

Timely Feedback

AI-assisted short-answer grading doesn't just mark assessments, it provides learners with timely feedback. In higher education, learning in the moment is crucial. When students receive prompt feedback on their assessments, they can identify and address knowledge gaps quickly, leading to a more effective learning process in the professional qualifications space. This timely and efficient feedback loop supports candidates in improving their performance, whether in re-sits or work placements.


Whether marking assessments for a small cohort or evaluating thousands of responses from a massive online course, AI can easily handle the volume. This scalability enables educational institutions to offer high-quality assessments and professional certifications to a broader audience, ensuring that more students can access their courses and qualifications and benefit from global expertise.

Realtime Analytics and Insights

With automated, high-quality marking of descriptive responses to open-ended questions, course providers can obtain specific and actionable insights into learner performance. Educators can better understand where their learners excel and where they struggle. This information allows for fine-tuning teaching methods and assessments, including developing targeted interventions. This, in turn, enhances the overall quality of the courses.

Reducing Educator Workload

And, of course, AI marking saves time and money, reducing the workload of educators and assessors and allowing them to focus on more valuable aspects of training provision, given the ever-increasing skills gap. Training providers can invest more of their time into planning engaging lessons and providing targeted support that enhances skills needed at the workplace, which, in turn, will positively impact the growth of the training business.

Adaptability to Assessment Types

AI-assisted marking systems are highly adaptable and will soon be capable of evaluating various types of extended response questions. Whether to assess conceptual understanding, problem-solving skills, or even creative arts, these systems will become customisable to suit the specific requirements of every course or training provider. This adaptability will ensure that assessments align with the ultimate learning and evaluation objectives and improve outcomes.

Today, sAInaptic stands out as a proprietary, transformative tool built specifically for the e-assessments industry. While awarding organisations and training providers still have questions about the specific benefits AI-assisted marking can offer, the education sector is set to change dramatically, with automated short answer assessments becoming more accessible, effective, and engaging for learners and educators alike.

Read more

Future of Assessment with AI

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