5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Writing Real in the Age of AI

Have you tried using AI to help you write stuff yet?

I certainly have and it’s been a fascinating experience!

Gen-AI like chatGPT and Google Gemini really are becoming an exciting part of the writing process. They offer speed, convenience, and a way to brainstorm when creativity runs low. Especially people like myself, who struggle to get their words out, it can become a life changing experience. However at the same time, the beauty of writing - clear, authentic communication - can sometimes get lost in over-reliance on such tools.

So, how do we strike a balance? How do we use generative AI based writing tools and apps without letting it replace our unique voices or sound like a repetitive machine? Here are five easy tips to help you safeguard good writing practices that tend to work for me and others at sAInaptic:

Keep Your Voice at the Centre of Your Writing

The best writing feels personal, even when it's professional. It carries a distinct voice that reflects your thoughts, style, and values. While AI can provide suggestions or inspiration, it can’t replicate your unique tone. To keep your writing authentic, treat AI as a helpful assistant, not the author. Use it to polish and refine, but always ensure your words sound like you.

Tip: After using AI for feedback or edits, read your work aloud. Does it sound like something you would say? If it feels too robotic or generic, it’s time to revise.

Fact-Check Everything

One of the risks with AI-generated content is that it’s not always factually accurate. Gen-AI can sometimes "hallucinate" or produce convincing but incorrect information. This is especially important if you’re writing about sensitive topics or areas that require precision, like research papers, journalism, or legal documents. As a first step, do not ask gen-AI to create a whole article or paragraphs for you. Ask it to refine what you’ve written. Double-check any facts or data provided by the AI writing tool to avoid unintentional misinformation.

Tip: Always cross-reference AI-sourced facts with trusted, up-to-date references to ensure accuracy. And then double check if any references generated by the AI tool to support its writing does indeed exist!

Use AI to Enhance, Not Replace, Your Skills

AI is great at suggesting alternative phrasing, offering grammatical fixes, or helping with structure. But remember, the heart of writing lies in the craft itself - planning, drafting, revising, and refining. If you use AI as a shortcut too often, it can dampen your growth as a writer. Lean on AI to sharpen your work, but don’t let it take over the heavy lifting of thinking, organising, and developing your ideas.

Tip: Start your drafts without AI. Let your creativity flow first, and then use AI tools for the editing phase to strengthen your work.

Guard Against Plagiarism

One of the biggest concerns in the age of AI is unintentional plagiarism. Sometimes, AI-generated text closely mirrors other sources, which can lead to ethical issues. To protect the originality of your work, always make sure that anything you write, whether using AI or not, is properly cited if it draws from external content.

Tip: Paraphrase in your own words and always credit sources for any borrowed information.

Balance Efficiency with Depth

While chatGPT etc can speed up the writing process, but faster isn’t always better. Great writing takes time. Crafting compelling arguments, developing rich characters, or drawing readers in with emotional resonance requires thought and care. Resist the urge to let AI fast-track you through your work just for the sake of convenience. Writing is as much about the process as it is about the product.

Tip: Set aside time to let your ideas marinate before jumping into AI-assisted editing. Let your writing breathe so you can build meaningful layers before refining it with technology.

Using AI for writing can be both fun and incredibly helpful, but it’s important to keep your personal touch, integrity, and creativity intact. Think of AI as an assistant, not a replacement for your voice or thought process. We are lucky to be living in an age where we are free to share our opinions, reach large audiences and engage with diverse groups of people with our writing. So, with these five tips, you can embrace the best of what AI has to offer while keeping your writing truly your own. Happy writing!

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